Chung-Hwei Su
![]() Chung-Hwei Su
- Associate Professor, Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering, NKFUST
- Associate Professor, Department of Fire Science, WuFeng University
- Assistant Professor, Department of Fire Science, WuFeng University
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Far East University
- Engineer, China. Engineering Consultants, Inc.
- Analysis of indoor thermal environment
- Commissioning of fire safety equipment
- Control strategies and full-scale verification for smoke control system
- Huang, H., Lin, C., Wang, S., Su, C.*, & Chen, L. (2022). Stack effects in tall building fires: a case study of Taiwan old apartment fire. Scientific reports, 12(1), 1-17. (SCI)
- Hung, S. M., Wang, S. C., Chien, S. W., Su, C. H.*, & Chen, L. P. (2022). The Enhancement of Fire Safety in Small-Scale Senior Citizen Welfare Institutions Based on Fire Protection Defense-in-Depth Strategy. Sustainability, 14(6), 3196. (SCI)
- SungMing Hung, KwokKeung Chong, ShangHao Liu, ChungHwei Su*, LiPeng Chen (2021, May). Effect analysis of the airflow field generated by ceiling fans on fire detectors using model experiments and Schlieren photography. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 26 (2021) 101087. (SCI)
- Hsieh L., Chen L., Wang S., Su C.* (2021). Airflow Visualization and Performance Assessment for a Roof Ridge Ventilator under Wind using Schlieren Photography Technique, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 26, 101044. (SCI)
- Liu, S. H., Wang, Y. R., Su, C. H., & Cao, C. R. (2020). Thermal hazard estimation of HTP-65W with kinetic equations and heat transfer model. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-8. (SCI)
- Lin, S. L., Chow, W. K., Woo, Y. K., Szeto, D. F., Su, C. (2019). Effect of heat collector plate on thermal sensitivity of sprinkler heads in large terminal Halls. Journal of Building Engineering, 25, 100787. (SCI)
- Su, C.* and Wang, S. (2019). Analysis of tilted neutral planes for tall space fires with unsymmetrical openings using numerical simulation and Schlieren photography technique. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow. 29(11), 4213-4236. (SCI)
- Su, C.*, Wang, S., Chien, S., Chen, Y. (2019). Performance verification and enhancement of mechanical smoke exhaust system in full-scale hot smoke test for a large space. Indoor and Built Environment, 1420326X19890903. (SCI)
- Su, C.*, Wang, S., Chen, Y.H., Wu, C.Y. (2020). Measurement of Smoke Generation Rate using a Full-scale Hot Smoke Test for Building Smoke Exhaust Systems. The International Journal of Ventilation. (SCI)
- Shih, C., Chen, Y., Su, C.*., Wang, S., & Yang, Y. (2019). Analysis of makeup air in a natural smoke vent system in a tall space using numerical simulation and Schlieren technique. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 29(1), 309-333. (SCI)
- Su, C., Bai, J., Hung, H. Y., Chow, W. K., & Chow, C. L. (2018). A Study of Internal Fire Whirl in a Vertical Shaft Model with Partially Open Roof. Measurement, 122, 141-148.(SCI)
- Su, C.*, Wang, S., Shih, C., Yang, Y. (2016). Visualization of hot flows of tall space fires in model experiments with Schlieren Photography technique. SpringerPlus, 5(1), 1744. (SCI)
- Su, C.*, Yao, C. (2016). Performance measurement of a smoke extraction system for buildings in full-scale hot smoke test. Measurement, 93, 340-350. (SCI)
- Li, S., Su, C*., Kuang-Chung, T. (2016, January). A Study on Wind-Induced Smoke Extraction Systems for Building Fires. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 51). EDP Sciences. (EI)
- Huang, H., Su, C.*, Li, C., Lin, C. and Lin, C. (2016). Enhancement of Fire Safety of an Existing Green Building due to Natural Ventilation. Energies, 9(3), 192. (SCI)
- Su, C.* and Bai, J. (2016). Measurement of the neutral plane of an internal fire whirl using the background-oriented Schlieren technique for a vertical shaft model of a high-rise building. Measurement, 78, 151-167. (SCI)
- Su, C. H*, Tsai, K. C., Dai, M. H., Lin, C. C. (2015). Effect of Fire Detection Function on Fire Suppression in Home Stay Facilities in Taiwan. In Fire Science and Technology 2015 (pp. 869-875). Springer Singapore. (EI)
- Su, C. H.*, Tsai, K. C. and Xu, M. Y. (2015). Computational analysis on the performance of smoke exhaust systems in small vestibules of high-rise buildings. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 8(4), 239-252. (SCI)
- Su, C. H., Huang, S. T., Lin, C. P., Tseng, J. M*. and Mannan, M. S. (2015). Safety and kinetic parameters analysis for 1, 1,-Di (tert-butylperoxy) cyclohexane mixed with monoammonium phosphate. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol.34: 191-195. (SCI)
- Chen, Y., Su C.*, Tseng J. and Li W. (2015), Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Cooling Performance of Water Spraying Systems during a Fire, PloS one, Vol.10(2): e0118306. (SCI)
- De-ming LIU, Chung-hwei SU*, Hui-ming LIN. (2015) , The Enhancement of Thermal Responsiveness on Flush Type Sprinklers in the Existing Mansions, Journal of applied fire science. (Accepted, EI Journal)
- Shang, S., Su, C.*, Huang, C., Kao, S., Wu, Y., & Lin, C. (2014). The Evaluation of Fire Rescue Capability from Post-Earthquake Fires in Taipei, Taiwan. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, Vol.8(05). (SCI)
- Su, C. H.*, Chen, C. C., Liaw, H. J., Wang, S. C. (2014). The assessment of fire suppression capability for the ammonium dihydrogen phosphate dry powder of commercial fire extinguishers. Procedia Engineering, 84, 485-490. (EI)
- Su, C.*, Hou, H., and Wu, C. (2013). Analysis on Practical Thermal Responsiveness of the Glass Bulb Sprinklers. Procedia Engineering -- Proceedings of 9th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science & Technology. 62, 844-851. (EI)
- Hung-Yi Hou*, Chung-Hwei Su, Chi-Min Shu. (2012), Thermal risk analysis of cumene hydroperoxide in the presence of alkaline catalysts, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol. 25(1), Pages 176–180. (SCI).
- Lu-Yen Chen, Chung-Hwei Su, Kuen-Yuan Chuang, Chun-Ping Lin, Shuh-Woei Yu, Jo-Ming Tseng*. (2012), Isothermal and non-isothermal kinetic and safety parameter evaluation of tert-butyl (2-ethylhexyl) monoperoxy carbonate by differential scanning calorimetry,Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.29 (10), Pages. 1292-1297. (SCI)
- Chung-Hwei Su*, Sheng-Hung Wu. (2012), Fire hazard evaluation and thermal sensitivity simulation of wet-type fire suppression sprinkler system, Journal of Applied Fire Science, Vol.21(2), Pages 111 – 122. (EI)
- Chung-Hwei Su*, Yu-Chang Lin, Chi-Min Shu and Ming-Chih Hsu. (2011), Stack effect of smoke for an old-style apartment in Taiwan, Building and Environment, Vol. 46(12), December Pages 2425–2433. (SCI)
- C.H. SU*, C.L.CHIANG, J.H. LIU, Y.P. CHIU. (2008), Thermal Sensitivity of Wet-Type Fire Suppression Sprinklers System , Progress in Safety Science and Technology, VOL.(VII) Part A, pp. 894-902. (EI)
- Yang Yu-Chuan, Su Chung-Hwei, Hsieh Tung-Liang, Chung Kee-Chiang*. (2006), Wind Effect on Performance of Smoke Exhaust Systems for Tall Building in Taiwan, J. of Applied Fire Science, Vol. 14(3), pp.185-199. (EI)
- Yang, Y. C., Su, C. H. and Chung, K.C*. (2005), The Effect of Water Droplet Size of Water Spray on Liquid Pool Fire Suppression, J. of Applied Fire Science, Vol. 13(4) 315-327. (EI)
- Su, C*. and Wang, S. (April 2019). Analysis of Tilted Neutral Planes for Tall Space Fires with Unsymmetrical Openings using Numerical Simulation and Schlieren Photography Technique. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow. (SCI, accepted)
- Chow, W.K.*, Su, C.H., Szeto, D.F., Lin, S.L., & Woo, Y.K. (April 2019). Effect of Heat Collector Plate on Thermal Sensitivity of Sprinkler Heads in Large Terminal Halls, Journal of Building Engineering. (EI, accepted)
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